I created factory patches for the Digitone Keys, an FM-synthesizer by Swedish manufacturer Elektron. Digitone Keys is available now!
Sample Magic Glitch & Modular Sequences on Splice
This glitchy sound pack I made for Sample Magic is now available on Splice!
Elektron Model:Samples Lo-Fi Hip-Hop out now!
The first sample pack I made for Elektron Model:Samples is out now! Lo-Fi Hip-Hop is available for 9 Euros at Elektron’s web shop.
Masterclass Live Electronics at Prince Claus Conservatory Groningen
This month I will be giving a Masterclass Live Electronics at the Prince Claus Conservatory in Groningen, the Netherlands.
Sample Magic Glitch & Modular Sequences available now
Glitch & Modular Sequences is out now! I had a lot of fun creating this weird and left field sound pack for Sample Magic!